IRB Topics: AI in Research: Applying the Regulatory Landscape to New Technologies 3/14 12-1pm EST
Mar 14 • 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
This presentation will explore the interactions and intersections of AI technology in human subjects research as they relate to IRB review and existing regulatory frameworks. We will explore the different ways that AI is appearing in human subjects research including:
- studies that wish to use AI as tools to help collect and/or analyze data,
- studies that wish to understand human-AI interactions,
- studies that wish to develop new AI models using large datasets, and
- studies that wish to develop and validate new user-focused or clinical AI tools.
The discussion will explore the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections (SACHRP) considerations, focusing on gaps and uncertainties within the current IRB regulatory framework. Finally, the presentation will explore the ethical and best practice considerations beyond the regulatory requirements of human research.
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