IRB Topics: Developing Privacy and Confidentiality Plans for Human Subjects Research Projects 3/7 12-1pm EST
Mar 7 • 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Most Human Subjects Research projects have privacy and confidentiality risks as one of the key potential risks to be considered and mitigated. The most effective privacy and confidentiality plans are those that are developed, in tandem, with the research design rather than treating these issues as an afterthought. While a “once size fits all” solution might be simpler, solutions that are tailored to the specific research being conducted are more effective, easier to operationalize, and result in more robust data.
This presentation will:
- Clarify the distinction between “privacy” and “confidentiality”.
- Discuss how IRBs think about privacy and confidentiality risks when reviewing Human Subjects Research protocols.
- Examine some best strategies for mitigating privacy and confidentiality risks across various types of data.
- Explore how to create a comprehensive plan to protect privacy and confidentiality across a few example study designs.
- Review non-IRB institutional requirements for platforms approved for interaction, collection, and maintenance of Human Subjects Research data.
- Leave time for questions and discussion at the end of the presentation.
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