Fall 2024 Newsletter

October 2, 2024



Reimagining The IRB: Growth and a Word from our Executive Director

A New Exempt Application Form to Reduce Burden

Introducing IRB 101 and IRB Topics Series for Fall 2024

Continuing IRB Drop-In Hours

Upcoming Events and Training

Reimagining The IRB: Growth and a Word from our Executive Director

Happy Autumn! I hope the Fall semester has kicked off well. Our increasing volume of submissions is evidence that our research community has been hard at work. Compared to this time last year, we have close to a 40% increase in new protocol applications! Our team is also expanding to support this growth. With the addition of Renee Brody we now have over 62 years of experience working in human subject research administration at nine (9) R1 academic institutions! I am excited to share that we continue to grow our outreach efforts, some of which include our expanded drop-in hours, monthly IRB 101 workshops, and specialized presentations on emerging topics. In partnership with our research community, we continue to improve our processes and decrease administrative burden to facilitate the breadth and depth of our research portfolio.


A New Exempt Application Form to Reduce Burden

We’ve worked hard to revise our Exempt Application form to make obtaining Exempt determinations easier. After reviewing common challenges, we’ve created a shorter, more focused, and more instructive form that requires fewer long-form responses. It is our hope that this simplifies the submission and approval process. Please see here for more information.

Introducing IRB 101 and IRB Topics Series for Fall 2024

We’re pleased to offer monthly IRB 101 sessions for researchers who want a introduction to IRB review — when it is required, how we review, and the overall process for submitting for approval at Northeastern. Additionally, our new IRB Topics webinar series delves deeper into specific areas. Initial topics include Privacy and Confidentiality plans, the intersection of IRB regulations and AI research, managing dual roles and relationships in research, and IRB Reliance 101.

Find our complete schedule for our Fall 2024 IRB Topics and IRB 101 offerings here.

Continuing IRB Drop-In Hours

We are continuing to host IRB drop-in hours for the research community. If you have questions about anything IRB related, these drop-in hours are a great way to get any IRB questions you might have answered. Attendees can join and leave at their leisure. Hours are staggered to try to accommodate various schedules. Please visit our Events Page. which lists all our events along with highlighted IRB events occurring outside Northeastern.

Highlighted Events and Training

IRB 101: An Intro to the IRB for Researchers
10/4 12-1pm EST

This presentation is for researchers who want a introduction to IRB review at Northeastern.

IRB Topics: AI in Research: Applying the Regulatory
Landscape to New Technologies
10/9 11am EST

This presentation will explore the interactions and intersections of AI technology in human subjects research as they relate to IRB review and existing regulatory frameworks.

IRB Topics: Managing Dual Roles and
Existing Relationships in Human Subjects Research
10/16 2pm EST

This presentation will help investigators navigate the complexities of dual-role research such as teaching a class they intend to study or providing services to potential participants.

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